Katera si nebi želela svojega čopiča vrteti po moških telesih?
In to ne po katerikoli telesih, temveč po mišičastih hokejistih, ki so se slekli za koledar zavarovalnice Triglav za leto 2013.
Lahko si le predstavljate koliko smeha je bilo v maskirnici, ko je bilo namesto čopiča zaradi prevelikih površin potrebno začeti uporabljati roke;) Jaaaaa, s Sašo sva jih morali NATANČNO "našminkati" po celem telesu:)
Daleč najbolj zabaven fotošuting! (Prijateljica Melita mi še danes zavida;)
**Which girl wouldn't want to work the brush all over men's bodies?
And not just any bodies. Bodies that belong to our muscular slovenian hockey players, that took their clothes off for the year 2013 calendar of the Insurance company Triglav.
Can you just imagine the laughter in the make up room, when we had to start using our hands instead of the brush. It was just to much ''meat'' to work on! Yessss, Saša and me had to do the make up VERY ACCURATELY all over their bodies:)
It was the most fun photoshooting in a while! ( My friend Melita is still all green of envy;)
Photo: Tomaž Gregorič
Production: Fotohiša Da!
MUA: Saša Godejša and Face it!
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How do you like 'em?
How do you like 'em?
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