O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

ponedeljek, 6. maj 2013

London College of Fashion

Na ulicah Londona je mogoče videti nešteto različnih ljudi.

Lahko bi samo sedela ob oknu, srkala čaj z mlekom in opazovala mimoidoče.
Toliko različnih obrazov, barv, nakita, vzorcev, dišav, zadimljenih oči, spletenih las, detajlov, jezikov, čevljev, barvitih ustnic, da se jih nisem in nisem mogla nagledati.

Po dobrih treh tednih, ko sem že mislila, da me ne more nič več presenetiti, sem prvič obiskala London College of Fashion.
Ne samo da sem sedela, obračala glavo in potihem kričala od navdušenja.. . tudi usta sem verjetno imela na široko odprta in oči izbuljene, možgani pa so si poskušali zapomniti vse te variacije črnine!

Ljubka, s soncem obsijana črna mačka (katere so se razveselili, jo božali, fotografirali vsi mimoidoči študentje) je stražila vhodna vrata, jaz pa sem čakala na Victorio, da mi pokaže pot do maskirnice :)

Veliko hodnikov, stopnic, ovinkov in vrat.. . potem pa so se odprla vrata v raj.
Raj na zemlji.
Čista, urejena, velika, napolnjena z ogledali, okroglimi lučkami, barvami, čopiči, pigmentki, senčili, šminkami, študenti.. . Maskirnica!

Dobila sem svoj delovni prostor, uredila Michael-a in se navdušena nad dnevom, mimo črnih mačk, odpravila domov.

Streets of London are floaded with countless different types of people/styles.

Day after day I could spend my time just sitting on the bank of my window, sipping a cup of tea with milk and observing numerous people that are passing by.
So many unique faces, colours, jewelry, shapes, prints, perfumes, shades of smokey eyes, braided harstyles, detailes, languages, shoes, flashy and colourful lips. I just couldn't get enough of it.

After the third week living in London, when I almost thought nothing else can possibly surprise me anymore, I enroled to London College of Fashion.
The state of mind that I was in...It wasn't just about me sitting there, turning and spining my head around like crazy and my mind that was screaming with enthusiasm.. . I had my big owl eyes on, my jaw dropped and my brain trying to memorize all the shades of black!

Infront of the College, right at the entrance was a cute black cat beamed with sunlight. It guarded the front door and all the students where obsessed with her, taking photos, caressing her, and I stood there and wait for Victoria to show me the way to the make up room.
So many hall ways, stairs, turns and doors... and after all that finaly doors to heaven. Heaven on earth.
Clean, crisp, neat, big, ful of mirrors and big lights, and all the colours, brushes, pigments, eye shadows, lipsticks, students... Make up studio!

I was assined to my working space, took creative care of Michael and went back home ful of joy and happines, passing the black cat.

Style: Victoria Yixiao Hwang
Photo: Poppy French
Model: Michael F.

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