Nekatere ga iščejo z lupo, pri drugih se ponosno razkazuje sam od sebe ;)
Imamo ga skoraj vse ženske (80-90%)!
100% se ga ne da odpraviti, lahko pa IZBOLJŠAMO izgled naše kože!
** Some of them need magnifying glass to find it, and at the others he flaunts by himself ;)
Affects almost all women (80-90%)!
No treatment is proven 100% effective at eliminating it, but we can IMPROVE the appiarance of our skin!
Odvrzi svojo "pomarančno" kožo: 2.del/
**Shed your cellulate skin: part 2. :
Za menoj sta že dobra dva tedna uporabljanja Afroditinega anticelulitnega gela, Cecropia power.
OK, priznam...v projekt sem se podala povsem brez pričakovanj, ker je celulit pač take sorte nadloga, da je povezan z geni (predvsem z XX genoma) in načinom življenja, in tega pač ne spremeniš kar čez noč. Zato nisem, in še vedno ne pričakujem, da bo moj celulit izpuhtel tako kot madeži v reklami za kako čistilo, temveč se zavedam, da je potrebno vložiti kar precej truda in vztrajnosti, da bi dosegla spremembo. Vendar sem stvar vzela resno (mogoče zato, ker o tem pripovedujem na javnem blogu), sem ugotovila, da se nekaj dejansko dogaja. In to v (zame) pozitivni smeri. Koža se mi na otip zdi bolj napeta, k čemur zagotovo pripomore tudi telovadba, vendar tudi na videz opažam, da koža postaja bolj...enakomerna in gladka. Je to možno, ali bi potrebovala nov obisk pri okulistu? Sprememba je sicer minimalna, konec koncev tretma izvajam šele dobra dva tedna, ampak dovolj za motivacijo, da bom vztrajala do četrtega tedna (kot predvideva najin plan) ali celo dlje! :)
**I've been using Afrodita's Cecropia power, anticellulite gel, for over two weeks now.
OK, so I confess...I started this project without any expectations at all, because I know that cellulite depends on gens (especially the XX gens) and on lifestyle, and you don't really change that over night. So I haven't, and I still don't expect, that my cellulite will vanish like stains in some cleaner commercial, and I realize that it takes a lot of effort and persistence to make a difference. But I took it seriously (maybe, because I am talking about it on public blog), and I have noticed, that something is actually going on. Off, to be precised. My skin feels tighter, and I believe exercise is helping too, but I can also see that my skin is more...evened out and smooth. Is it possible, or do I need another appointment at opticians? Well, the change is minimal, but good enough for my motivation to hang in there till the end of week four (as our plan predicts) or maybe even more! :)
"Magična" formula/ **"Magical" formula:
Ne pozabite na najino NAGRADNO IGRO !
**Don't forget on our GIVEAWAY! ;)
Pretekli začetek tedna, me je "na skrivaj" opeklo sonce! :/
Zakaj pravim, da "na skrivaj"? Ker se soncu načeloma sploh ne izpostavljam (se ne pražim) in sem precej "obsedena" s kremami z zaščitnim faktorjem (o tem bi lahko veliko povedali moji prijatelji, ki jim kar naprej težim, naj zaščitijo svojo kožo;)!
Sem svetlolasa, ZELO bledopolta, imam veliko materinih znamenj in drugih hiperpigmentiranih lis po celem telesu. Sonce me ne sme ujeti nepripravljene, kajti hitro "zardim" ;)
Kljub vsemu "orožju", sem naslednje jutro (na soncu sem bila dobri 2h) začutila žgoč občutek na predelu trebuha. Opeklo me je!! ! Še zdaj ne vem, kako se je sploh pripetilo, da sem (!očitno!) s kremo pozabila zaščititi svoj trebuh! Peklo in zategovalo me je in niti na misel mi ni prišlo, da bi nadaljevala z mojim tretmajem anticelulitne nege. Ko sem pomislila, na kakšen način bi koža odreagirala na izdelek (ki greje že sam po sebi) in kako si vlečem gor Afroditine hlače.. . mi je postalo slabo :S
Tako sem bila prisiljena za par dni prenehati z uporabo!
Po 4-ih dneh se je stanje toliko umirilo, da sem si namazala vse kritične predele (razen trebuha!) in odšla tečt. Nogavic za podvojeni učinek nisem oblekla, saj je bila ura 4:57 ko sem se odpravila od doma in jih med vsemi mojimi črnimi nogavicami nekako nisem prepoznala ;)
Reakcija kože na izdelek ni več tako močna, kot je bila ob prvih nanosih.. . A vendarle čutim, da se nekaj dogaja :D!
**Last week I was "secretly" burned by the sun! :/
Why do I say "secretly"? In principle, I avoid sun... and I am quite "obsessed" with creams with sun protection factor (my friends could tell more about this, because I always bother them how important is to protect your skin;)!
I am blonde and I have very pale complexion. I have a lot of birthmarks and other hyperpigmented spots all over the body. The sun can't catch me without sunblock, because there is no way for me to stop "blushing";)
Despite all the weapons I have against the sun....the next morning, I felt a burning sensation on my stomach....I GOT SUNBURNT! ! !I still do not know how that happened... (!Obviously!) I forgot to put the sunblock on my stomach. And after the initial redness and irritation of the burn, I didn' t even think to continue my treatments with anti-cellulite treatments. When I thought about how the skin would react to the product (which heats itself) and how do I put on my Aphrodite pants .. . I felt sick :S For a few days, I was forced to stop with treatmesnts.
**Last week I was "secretly" burned by the sun! :/
Why do I say "secretly"? In principle, I avoid sun... and I am quite "obsessed" with creams with sun protection factor (my friends could tell more about this, because I always bother them how important is to protect your skin;)!
I am blonde and I have very pale complexion. I have a lot of birthmarks and other hyperpigmented spots all over the body. The sun can't catch me without sunblock, because there is no way for me to stop "blushing";)
Despite all the weapons I have against the sun....the next morning, I felt a burning sensation on my stomach....I GOT SUNBURNT! ! !I still do not know how that happened... (!Obviously!) I forgot to put the sunblock on my stomach. And after the initial redness and irritation of the burn, I didn' t even think to continue my treatments with anti-cellulite treatments. When I thought about how the skin would react to the product (which heats itself) and how do I put on my Aphrodite pants .. . I felt sick :S For a few days, I was forced to stop with treatmesnts.
After 4 days... the situation has cooled so much that I lubricated all the critical areas (except belly!) and went running. I didn't dress socks to duplicate the effect, because time was was 4:57 when I went from home.. . somehow I did not recognize them from the other ;)
Skin reaction to the product is no longer as strong as it was at first drifts .. . Yet, I still feel that something is happening :D!
Skin reaction to the product is no longer as strong as it was at first drifts .. . Yet, I still feel that something is happening :D!
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Run for the sun! |
**The importance of quallity sun protection is important to everyone.. . We'll talk with Sabina in a forthcoming publication.
Run for the sun :)
tole vajino borbo s celulitom je prou fajn spremlat in fajn bi blo probat! ;)...nasploh mata super zanimiv blog ;) le tko naprej! v bolju s celulitom in pisanju bloga :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiKatja, hvala.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSpremljaj naju še naprej.. . imava še veliko lušne "zaloge" ;)
najbolj simpa blog in bloggerki ever!! ;))) super sta, kar tako naprej!
OdgovoriIzbriši;) hvala