**In the previous post Petra told us, that almost all (80-90%) of female population has got cellulite and that we can not completely get rid of it, but that we can make the appearance much better. She also explained what causes it, but...
..zakaj ga sploh moramo imeti? In zakaj ga moški (navadno) nimajo?
Tako je zapisano v naši DNK. Struktura naše (ženske) kože je drugačna, način kako se tkiva v podkožju med seboj prepletajo je drugačen, in ko se ženske nepravilno prehranjujemo in ne telovadimo redno, se začnejo maščobne celice in odpadne snovi (presnovki metabolizma+limfna tekočina) kopičiti v podkožju. To se pravzaprav dogaja pri vseh ljudeh, vendar se zaradi drugačne stukture kože, celulit (navadno) pojavi samo pri ženskah. Precej nadležno, kajne...

It's written in our DNA. The structure of our skin, the way the fibers are being interwoven between themselves is different, so when women are not eating healthy and doing their exercises, the fat cells and metabolites+lymphatic fluid starts to accumulate in the subcutaneous. This is actually happening to everybody (man or woman), but the structure of the skin tissue causes cellulite (usually) only at women. Pretty annoying, isn't it...
...in na kakšne načine vse lahko izgled izboljšamo?
Zelo pomembno je, da pospešimo mikrocirkulacijo podkožja, saj bomo s tem pospešili odplavljanje odpadnih snovi iz podkožja in s tem zgladili videz pomarančne kože. Mikrocirkulacijo lahko pospešimo s telovadbo (čeprav pri debelejšem sloju maščobnih celic, težje segrevamo zunanje plasti kože), z grelnimi kremami (segrevajo zunanje plasti kože), s hladilnimi kremami (telo mora ponovno vzpostaviti normalno teleso temperaturo,zato v podkožje pošlje več krvi), z različnimi tretmaji v kozmetičnih salonih (po več obiskih zagotovo učinkujejo, vendar so v primerjavi z ostalimi opcijami precej dražji), z limfno drenažo (odpadne snovi se odplavljajo iz podkožja), z infra rdečo savno (zunanje plasti kože se segrevajo-do 4cm globoko), z masažnimi pripomočki (razni valjčki, žogice, masažne rokavice... vsaka masaža povzroči rdečino, to pa pomeni, da smo pospešili cirkulacijo v podkožju) in uporaba masažnih hlačnih nogavic (imajo tako grelni učinek, ker so iz umetnih materialnov, kot masažni učinek, če z njimi telovadimo).

**...and what are the options to improve the appearance?
It's very important to accelerate the micro-circulation in subcutaneous, which helps us to accelerate elimination of metabolites and lymphatic fluid, and improves the appearance of cellulite. Micro-circulation can be accelerated with exercising (although when the layer of fat cells is thicker, it's much more difficult to heat the outer layers of skin), with anti-cellulite heating creams (they heat the outer layers of the skin), with anti-cellulite cooling creams (the body has to restore normal body temperature, so it sends more blood into subcutaneous), with different body treatments in beauty salons (the results can be seen after several visits, but this is in comparison with other options, much more expensive), with lymphatic drainage (the metabolites are drained out of subcutaneous), with infra-red sauna (the outer layers of skin are heated from outside-up to 4cm deep), massage gadgets (every massage causes flush of the tissue, and it means that more blood is in the subcutaneous), and usage of massage stockings (they have heating effect-because they're made of plastic materials, and massaging effect, if we workout wearing them).
Prav tako pomembno pa je tudi, da izločene odpadne snovi nadomestimo z zadostno količino vode, saj bo tako koža še bolj napeta.
**It is also very important, that we replace the drained fluids with fair amount of pure water, which also makes our skin look more tightened.
Načinov je torej več in vsak lahko najde sebi najljubšega. Nama pa je zagotovo (zaradi pomanjkanja časa in denarja) najenostavneje, če lahko za napeto kožo poskrbiva kar med vsakdanjo fizično aktivnostjo, s souporabo Afroditinih anticelulitnih krem/gelov in njihovih masažnih nogavic. In tu so najina opažanja po tretjem tednu:
**So there are many ways and we can each find our favorite. Petra and I (due to lack of time and money) definitely prefer to tighten our skin while exercising with massage stockings and anticellulite gels/creams by Afrodita. And here are our observations after third week:
Nogavice so bile pretekli teden redno "v pogonu" :)
...in z njimi je prišlo tudi "sveže" počutje, bistra glava polna diplomskih idej;) in seveda IZBOLJŠAN (predvsem dosti bolj ČVRST:) videz kože na mojih "kritičnih" predelih!
** I was using my stockings regularly this week :)
...because of that I feel much better and I'm full of new ideas for my diploma:)
Also tone and firmness of my skin are visibly improved!
Z anticelulitnim gelom Cecropia (+masažne nogavice) sem se namazala skoraj vsak dan (samo en dan se nisem, ker sem nepričakovano prespala pri sestri in gela nisem imela s seboj) in skoraj vsak dan poskrbela tudi za fizično aktivnost. Opažam, da se je v tretjem tednu postopek odpravljanja celulita nekoliko upočasnil, vendar sem z rezultati vseeno vedno bolj zadovoljna. Koža je mehkejša in bolj čvrsta, videz celulita pa je še nekoliko izboljšan. Komaj že čakam, da vidim kakšen bo rezultat po četrtem tednu uporabe!
**I was applying anti-cellulite Cecropia gel (+massage stockings) almost every day (I haven't use it only once, because I unexpectedly slept at my sister's place, and I didn't take the gel with me) and I was also exercising almost every day. I have noticed, that in the third week the cellulite reduction has slowed down, but I am still getting more excited every day, with the results. My skin is softer and tighter and cellulite appearence has also improved. I can't wait to see the results after the fourth week of treatment!
Manj kot teden dni nas loči do žreba!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSodeluj tudi ti, ni še prepozno ;)