... (**Ulica ljubezni) je tam, kjer se vi odločite da bo. Tistega čarobnega dne v maju je bila sredi gozda, od takrat naprej pa za vedno ostaja narisana na zemljevidu mojega srca. Naravnost obožujem priložnosti, ko lahko delam s tako čudovitimi ljudmi kot sta Teja in Lenart.
**Love Street is a project that hasn't been published yet, so I still can't show you all of the pictures. But some of them are here to satisfy the urge of showing you the beauty of this project.
... is wherever you decide it to be. That magical day in May it was in the middle of the woods, and since that day on, it will stay drawn forever on the map of my heart. I love to work with such incredible people like Teja and Lenart!
Model: Teja Coco
Fotograf/ **Photiograph: Lenart Kirbis
Obleki/ **Dresses: Kristina Lovko
Ličenje/ **Make up: Face it!
Fotograf/ **Photiograph: Lenart Kirbis
Obleki/ **Dresses: Kristina Lovko
Ličenje/ **Make up: Face it!
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