O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 24. junij 2012

Love love love

Love Street je projekt, ki še ni bil objavljen, zato vam še vedno ne morem pokazati vseh fotografij. Ampak nekatere izmed njih so vendarle tukaj, da lahko potešim željo po tem, da vam pokažem lepoto tega projekta.

... (**Ulica ljubezni) je tam, kjer se vi odločite da bo. Tistega čarobnega dne v maju je bila sredi gozda, od takrat naprej pa za vedno ostaja narisana na zemljevidu mojega srca. Naravnost obožujem priložnosti, ko lahko delam s tako čudovitimi ljudmi kot sta Teja in Lenart.

**Love Street is a project that hasn't been published yet, so I still can't show you all of the pictures. But some of them are here to satisfy the urge of showing you the beauty of this project.

... is wherever you decide it to be. That magical day in May it was in the middle of the woods, and since that day on, it will stay drawn forever on the map of my heart. I love to work with such incredible people like Teja and Lenart!

Model: Teja Coco
Fotograf/ **Photiograph: Lenart Kirbis
Obleki/ **Dresses: Kristina Lovko
Ličenje/ **Make up: Face it!

ponedeljek, 11. junij 2012

Boj s celulitom je končan!/ **Fight with cellulite is over!

Za nama je zadnji teden boja s celulitom in obe sva navdušeni nad rezultati:)
Poleg tega pa tudi odločeni, da bova nadaljevali z dosedanjimi postopki telesne aktivnosti v Afroditinih nogavicah in mazanja z njihovimi anticelulitnimi preparati!

Kot je že omenila Sabina, se hitrost "brisanja" celulita iz tedna v teden upočasnuje, ampak napredek zagotovo JE viden! Poleg tega je tudi koža vedno bolj "lepa" na pogled (seveda tudi zaradi redne telesne aktivnosti in težnji k kar-se-da zdravemu prehranjevanju).

Pred začetkom izvajanja tretmaja, bi svoj celulit uvrstila v fazo št.3, kjer je videz kože že očitno spremenjen in podoben pomarančni lupini. Upam si trditi, da sem si "prišvicala" fazo št.2 :)

Kot zelo skeptična uporabnica "čarobnih" anticelulitnih izdelkov, vam moram povedati, da sem res presenečena nad rezultati! Verjamem, da ti izdelki lahko "pomagajo" vsakomur! -- - AMPAK, tako kot pri vsaki stvari je tudi tukaj potrebno biti zelo reden in dosleden! Vsi vemo, da je kar precej muk potrebnih, da si po naporni službi in pri vseh opravkih, ki nas čakajo doma, navlečemo Afroditine nogavice in se odpravimo tečt.. .

Vendar ne obupajte, trud je poplačan :)!

** Last week of the fight behind us and we are both impressed by the results.

We are also determined that we will continue with the existing procedures of physical activity in Aphrodite socks and lubrication with their anti-cellulite preparations!

Sabina already mentioned the process of reducing cellulite from week to week is slowing down, but progress can be surely seen. The skin is getting more and more beautiful to look at (in combination with a healthy diet and exercise).

Before the the treatments, I would rank my cellulite with no. 3 in the phase where the appearance of the skin has obviously changed and it is like orange peel. I can proudly say, my sweaty workout brought me in phase no. 2.

Being skeptical user as me...of all "magical" anti-cellulite products, I must tell you that I was really surprised by the results. I believe they can 'help' to anyone! BUT as with every thing - you have to be very persistent! We are all familiar with that strange feeling - coming home after long hard day at work. But we all need strong will to put on aphrodite socks and go running!

And remember.. . Work hard and never give up! :)

kozmetika Afrodita@Facebook

Štiritedenska (pa še melo več) preizkušnja Afroditinih anticelulitnih izdelkov je zaključena in z rezultati sem zelo zadovoljna! Izdelki, ki sem jih uporabljala so:
  • prijetni,
  • praktični (plastična embalaža, se dobro zapira, ne pušča, lahka za prenašanje v športni torbi, hlače so zračne in elastične, prijeten občutek na koži, lahko jih nosimo pod oblačili...),
  • preprosti za uporabo ( 1. namažeš, 1. oblečeš hlače, 3. konec!),
  • dajejo prijeten občutek na koži (če izvzamem tisti prvi poskus, ko sem izdelek nanesla takoj po pilingu celega telesa :) ),
  • UČINKUJEJO! ...če jih le uporabljamo v skladu s priporočili proizvajalca
  • in kar je najzanimivejše, dajali so mi motivacijo za redno uporabo in telovadbo!
Čeprav se zelo rada ukvarjam s športom in mi po napornem delavnem dnevu služi kot antistresni ventil, sem uporabljanje Afroditinih izdelkov in hlač med telovadbo, doživljala kot nekakšna dolžnost, ki jo moram izpolniti do svojega telesa in ne poljubno izbirno "bi šla...al' ne bi šla?". Res super motivacija tudi v tistih dneh, ko bi najraje prespal cel teden...

Zelo uspešna motivacija je zagotovo tudi testiranje/uporabljanje izdelkov v paru, tako kot sva to počeli midve s Petro in si že takoj, po prvi uporabi, izmenjevale mnenja.
Oh, in seveda pisanje o tem na blogu... ker osebna težava nenadoma postane del "pomembne misije"! ;)

Naj za konec omenim še to, da sem zadnji teden uporabljala Pitayo active cream, ki me je presenetila s svojim svežim sladkim vonjem in vlažilnostjo, saj je moji koži dala veliko bolj mehak otip. Čeprav takoj po nanosu nima tako hladilnega učinka kot Cecropia (pravzaprav nima nikakršnega učinka), se zanimiv pekoče-hladilni učinek občuti šele po telesni aktivnosti, ki se nadaljuje še vsaj pol urice po končani vadbi, četudi se vmes stuširamo.

Lahko bi rekla, da je končni rezultat:
Afrodita - celulit 1:0! ;)

**Four weeks (and a little more) lasting Afrodita's anti-cellulites products test is complete and I'm very pleased with the results! The products I was using are:
  • pleasant in general,
  • practical (plastic packaging, closes well, doesn't leak, light to carry around in a sport bag; leggings are airy and elastic, they fell comfortable on the skin and can be worn under our formal clothes...),
  • easy to use (1. apply, 2. put on leggings, 3. done!),
  • they feel comfortable on the skin (if I exclude the first attempt, when I applied the product right after scrubbing the whole body:) ),
  • THEY WORK! ...if we only use them within manufacturer's instructionsž
  • and what's most interesting, they gave me motivation for regular use and exercise!
  • Oh, and of course, writing about this on blog... because personal problem suddenly becomes a part of "important mission"! ;)
Even though I love to work out, and after a hard working day, it feels like anti-stress filter to me, I experienced the usage of Afrodita's products and leggings, while exercising, as some kind of obligation to my body and not as an option "should I go...or can I skip?".

Really great motivation also during those days when you feel like you could sleep the whole week...Very sucessful motivation is also product testing/using in pairs, like Petra and I did it this time. We were exchanging opinions from the very first use on.

To end with, I would also like to mention, that this last week (and a half) I was using Pitaya active cream, which surprised me with it's refreshing sweet smell and moisturizing effect, which gave to my skin much smoother feel. Even though it doesn't have such cooling effect as Cecropia does right after aplication (actually, it doesn't have any effects at all), it's interesting warm-cooling effect starts while exercising and continues for at least half an hour after finish, and even if we take a shower between.

I'd say the final score is:
Afrodita - cellulite 1:0! ;)

Že je tu čas počitnic.. . me pa smo pripravljene, da zadovoljne skočimo v vodo! :)
**Summer time is allready here.. . and we are ready, for the jump into the water! :)

P.s.: Prejemnice nagrad, ne pozabite nama posredovati vaših naslovov!

petek, 1. junij 2012

We Love Pin Up!

We love Coca-cola.
We love red lips.
We love crazy parties.

( Se opravičujem za slike super slabe kakovosti, posnete so z mojim telefonom)
(**I apologise for the super low quality pictures, taken with my phone)

Love, P.