O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 15. april 2012

Zgodovina mode - s pridihom sedanjosti, tretjič/ **History fashion - revival, part three

3. Šestdeseta

Tu je torej še zadnje dejanje iz trilogije s pridihom sedanjosti.
Naš makeup se nekoliko razlikuje od tistega, ki ga asociativno povezujemo z obdobjem, ki mu je nesporno vladala Twiggy. Zajema malo manj trepalnic na spodnji veki, manj grafično ličenje oči, manj Austin Power-ja, manj flower power-ja, skratka, lahko bi ga umestili nekam na prelom petdesetih in šestdesetih. Ohranili pa smo povdarjene oči in zabrisane ustnice, ter izpostavili izrazito ženstvenost, femme fatal-nost in eleganco, celo v suknjiču moškega kroja in sproščeno udobnem pletenem plašču. Seveda smo obdržali tudi neskončne količine cigaret, saj je v šestdesetih, še ministrstvo za zdravje svoje posle opravljalo med oblački cigaretnega dima.


So here is the final act of revival trilogy.
Our make up is a bit different than one that we associate with the era which was undoubtedly dominated by Twiggy. It contains much fewer eyelashes on lower eyelid, less graphic eye makeup, less Austin Power, less Flower Power, in short, we could place it on fault of fifties and sixties. But we maintained accented eyes and blended lips, and we emphasize prominent femininity, femme fatal-ity and elegance, even in the male cut jacket and comfortable relaxed knit coat. And of course we kept infinite amounts of cigarettes, because in sixties, even the Health Department was performing their daily business among small clouds of cigarette smoke.

Foto/**Photo : Lenart Kirbis
MUA: Face it!
Frizura/**Hair : Nina Kotar
Model: Lara P.

Zunanji sodelavci ;)
Stilistka/**Styling : Spela Hvale
Kreacije/**Clothing: Almira Sadar
Prstani/**Rings : Sonja Miklauzic

Ostanite z nami, saj imava P R E S E N E Č E N J E za vas. Več o tem, kmalu.... ;)
**Stay with us, because we have a S U R P R I S E for you. Coming up soon... ;)

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