O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 29. april 2012

Adijo celulit! /**Goodbye cellulite!

Začetek pomladi veliko ljudi premami k gibanju na prostem, od tistih, ki so radi v formi, pa do tistih, ki so začeli s svojim "bikini projektom". Ob redni telovadbi se odvečni kilogramčki še kar uspešno topijo. Kaj pa celulit? To pa ni tako preprosto, kajne?
Zato sva se s Petro odločili, da se oboroživa in napadeva celulit z vsemi močmi. Ker pa meniva, da v tem boju nisva sami, sva se izkušnjo odločili deliti z vami....

**The beginning of the spring tempts many people to exercise outdoor, from those who like to stay in shape, to those who have began with their "bikini project". With regular exercise and more appropriate diet, the kilograms are quite successfully melting away. But what about cellulite? That's not that easy, is it?
Therefore Petra and I decided to arm and attack cellulite with fierce. And since we think we're not alone in this fight, we decided to share our experience with you...

Kakšen je načrt?
Izbrali sva Afroditino Anti-cellulite linijo, ki zajema Cecropio power + gel in Garcinia strong kremo za zmanjševanje celulita 3 v 1, ter Pitaya active kremni gel za zanjšanje celulita & obsega telesa 3 v 1. Vsi izdelki imajo isti glavni namen, le nekoliko različne dodatne učinke, zato lahko izdelek izberemo glede na zahteve sojega telesa, ali jih kombiniramo med seboj in tako odpravimo več težav istočasno.

**What's the plan?
We have chosen Afrodita's Anti-cellulite line, that contains Cecropio power + gel and Garcinia strong cream for reducing cellulite 3 in 1, and Pitaya active cream gel for reducing cellulite and body volume 3 in 1. All of the products have same main purpose, and a bit different bonus effects, therefore we can pick the products according to our problems, or combine them to get rid of all of out problems at the same time.

Hitri opis izdelkov
Cecropia power + gel s kombinacijo naravnih sestavin niacinamida, tigrove trave, bodeče lobodike in pečke rdečega grozdja je lahke in nemastne teksture, ki se hitro vpija v kožo in ima osvežilno hladilni učinek. Trojno delovanje se kaže v zmanjšanju pojavnosti celulita in povečani napetosti kože, povečani razgradnji maščob v maščobnih celicah ter osvežilno hladilnem učinku, ki obenem zmanjšuje učinek utrujenih in težkih nog.

Garcinia strong krema z eteričnim oljem pomaranče je lahke, nemastne teksture, ki se hitro vpija in ima močan grelni učinek. Trojno delovanje se kaže v zmanjšanju pojavnosti celulita in telesnega obsega, pospešitvi razstrupljanja kože ter opaznem povečanju gladkosti in čvrstosti kože.

Pitaya active kremni gel z izvlečkom svetega lotosa in graha je lahke in nemastne teksture in se hitro vpija v kožo. Trojno delovanje se kaže v zmanjšani pojavnosti celulita, povečani razgradnji maščob v maščobnih celicah ter opazni zmanjšanosti pojavnosti strij skupaj s povečano elastičnostjo kože svilnato na dotik.

**Short products description
Cecropia power + gel with combination of natural ingredients niacinamide, gotu kola, butcher's boom and red grapes pips comes in light, non-greasy texture is quickly absorbed and has refreshing cooling effect. Triple action is shown in reduced cellulite incidence and increased skin firmness, increased fat breakdown in fatty cells and refreshing cooling effect which also soothes sensation of swollen ans heavy legs.

Garcinia strong cream with orange essential oil comes in light, non-greasy texture is quickly absorbed and has strong thermal effect on the skin. Triple action is shown in reduced incidence of cellulite and body circumference, accelerated detoxification of the skin and visibly increased smoothness and firmness of the skin.

Pitaya active cream gel with sacred lotus and peas extract comes in light, non-greasy texture is quickly absorbed by the skin. Triple action is shown in reduced cellulite incidence, increased fat breakdown in fatty cells and visibly reduced the incidence of stretch marks and increased elasticity and silky touch of the skin.

Embalaža /**Packaging

Zadnja stan /**Back side

Za podvojeno delovanje (vseh treh) anticelulitnih izdelkov pa bova s Petro sočasno uporabljali še aroma masažne hlačne nogavice, ki so odišavljene z naravnimi olji grenivke in geranije ter so namenjene pospeševanju prekrvavitve kože, aktiviranju pretoka limfe, pospešenemu prodiranju in učinkovinanju sestavin ter oblikovanju telesa.

Poleg mazanja z izdelki in nošenjem  nogavic bova poskrbeli tudi za redno telesno vadbo, pitje zadostne količine vode in uravnoteženo prehrano.

**To double the effect of (all) anti-cellulite products, Petra and I will also use aroma massage stockings, scanted with natural grapefruit and geranium oil, which are meant to stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, improve product and ingredients penetration into skin, and improve product's effect on body shaping.

And beside that, we will also work out on regular basis, drink a lot of water and eat balanced healthy food.

Embalaža za hlačne nogavice /**Stockings packaging

Navodila za vzdrževanje /**Maintenance instructions

Hlačne nogavice/**Stockings

In prvi vtisi?
 Kot prvo, sem se pred tednom dni odločila preizkusiti Garcinia strong kremo. Vmasirala sem jo na kritične predele, krema se je zelo hitro vpila v kožo in par minut po nanosu nisem čutila ničesar posebnega. Čez zgoraj omenjene nogavice za podvojen učinek, sem oblekla še tekaške hlače in preden sem uspela obut superge, me je zajel val močne vročine. Sprva sem bila kar malce začudena, saj nisem pričakovala tako močnega odziva na produkt. Stanje se je v približno pol ure umirilo in seveda sem tudi svoj krog odtekla "normalno" :)

Uporabila sem Cecropia power + gel.
Da bi izboljšala delovanje in absorbcijo gela, sem se odločila, da si pred tem naredim piling telesa. No, mogoče ne bi smela, kajti po nanosu gela sem njegovo delovanje čutila vsaj petrkrat močneje kot sicer. Hladilni učinek je bil na začetku res intenziven (nisem bila prepričana da bom zdržala), vendar je po nekaj minutah ponehal in čutila sem le še njegov prijetno hladilni učinek. 

Hlačne nogavice so zelo elastične, se tesno prilegajo telesu in imajo nekoliko "push-up" učinek ( ki mi je zelo všeč ;) ). Čeprav so narejene iz poliamida in elastana, me med telesno vadbo niso ovirale, dušile ali preprečevale ohlajanje telesa. Že po prvi uporabi je koža na otip nekoliko bolj napeta, vizualno pa še nisem opazila sprememb.
Aja, in...čeprav nimam živalskega potiska (nikjer...sploh!!), mi je embalaža na tematiko tigrove trave zelo všeč. ;)

Skriti živalski potisk/**Hidden animal print

**And teh first impressions? 

A week ago, I've decided to use Garcinia strong cream.
I massaged the cream into problematic areas and because of texture it was quickly absorbed by the skin. At first I didn't feel anything special. For better results I also used my Aroma massage pantyhose and before I have putted on my snickers, wave of strong heat captured me. At first I was a little astonished, because I didn't expect the strong response to product. However I didn't have problems at running and also the strong thermal effect disappeared after half an hour has passed :)

I  used Cecropia power + gel. 
To improve the effect and absorption of gel, I decided to have body scrub before application. Well, maybe I shouldn't have, because almost immediately after the application I felt cooling effect of the gel at least five times stronger than every next time. The cooling effect was initially really intensive (I wasn't sure I can get trough), but it has stopped after few minutes and than I only felt it's comfortable cooling effect. 
Stockings are super elastic, they fit very tight and they have a bit of "push-up" effect (which I adore ;) ). Even though they're made from Polyamide and Elastan, they didn't felt disturbing, suffocating and they didn't prevent cooling of the body, while exercising. After the very first use, my skin felt a bit more tight on touch, but visually I haven't noticed any changes jet. 
Oh, and...even if I don't have any animal print (anywhere...at all!!), I find the tiger gras (gotu cola) themed packaging pretty cool. ;)

sreda, 25. april 2012

Perpetuum Jazzile

Jih prepoznate?/ ** Can you recognise them?

Konec leta 2011 sva skupaj z najino prof. Sašo Godejša imeli "maraton ličenja". Za fotografiranje in koncert je bilo v 6-ih urah potrebno urediti več kot 50 pojočih obrazov Perpetuum Jazzile.
Od toliko različnih oči, ustnic, obrvi, želja in idej se ti zvrti v glavi:) Kljub napornemu tempu, smo se zelo zabavali in seveda je tako tudi čas kar bežal mimo naju. Sprva sva bili s Sašo sami in ob 14.uri se je zastavljeni cilj zdel zelo oddaljen in popolnoma neuresničljiv. Na srečo sem ravno takrat prejela Sabinino sporočilo, da je predčasno končala službo in nama lahko pride pomagat. Ko sva jo s Sašo zagledali na vratih (v rokah je držala 2 lončka kave:), sva si oddahnili.. . brez njene pomoči in tega magičnega napitka nam verjetno nebi uspelo!

** At the end of year 2011, professor Saša Godejša and I had a "make-up marathon".
6 hours was required to edit more than 50 singing faces from group Perpetuum Jazzile for photography and concert. So many different eyes, lips, eyebrows, desires and ideas make you feel dizzy :) Despite the exhausting pace, time flies when you're having fun. At the beginning (14.00) our mission seemed very distant and totally unrealistic for me and Saša. Luckily, I had just received message from Sabina.. . she finished with her job and was ready to come and help. When we saw her at the door (holding 2 cups of coffee) .. . we were deeply relieved. Without her help and this magic drink, we would probably not succeed!

Spodaj si lahko ogledate nekaj fotografij, ki so nastale tistega dne/ **You can see some photos that have occurred that day:

 V primeru da jih ne poznate, priporočam ogled spodnjega oglasa/ ** If you don't know them… check out the ad below ;)

Like it?

nedelja, 15. april 2012

Zgodovina mode - s pridihom sedanjosti, tretjič/ **History fashion - revival, part three

3. Šestdeseta

Tu je torej še zadnje dejanje iz trilogije s pridihom sedanjosti.
Naš makeup se nekoliko razlikuje od tistega, ki ga asociativno povezujemo z obdobjem, ki mu je nesporno vladala Twiggy. Zajema malo manj trepalnic na spodnji veki, manj grafično ličenje oči, manj Austin Power-ja, manj flower power-ja, skratka, lahko bi ga umestili nekam na prelom petdesetih in šestdesetih. Ohranili pa smo povdarjene oči in zabrisane ustnice, ter izpostavili izrazito ženstvenost, femme fatal-nost in eleganco, celo v suknjiču moškega kroja in sproščeno udobnem pletenem plašču. Seveda smo obdržali tudi neskončne količine cigaret, saj je v šestdesetih, še ministrstvo za zdravje svoje posle opravljalo med oblački cigaretnega dima.


So here is the final act of revival trilogy.
Our make up is a bit different than one that we associate with the era which was undoubtedly dominated by Twiggy. It contains much fewer eyelashes on lower eyelid, less graphic eye makeup, less Austin Power, less Flower Power, in short, we could place it on fault of fifties and sixties. But we maintained accented eyes and blended lips, and we emphasize prominent femininity, femme fatal-ity and elegance, even in the male cut jacket and comfortable relaxed knit coat. And of course we kept infinite amounts of cigarettes, because in sixties, even the Health Department was performing their daily business among small clouds of cigarette smoke.

Foto/**Photo : Lenart Kirbis
MUA: Face it!
Frizura/**Hair : Nina Kotar
Model: Lara P.

Zunanji sodelavci ;)
Stilistka/**Styling : Spela Hvale
Kreacije/**Clothing: Almira Sadar
Prstani/**Rings : Sonja Miklauzic

Ostanite z nami, saj imava P R E S E N E Č E N J E za vas. Več o tem, kmalu.... ;)
**Stay with us, because we have a S U R P R I S E for you. Coming up soon... ;)

Zgodovina mode- s pridihom sedanjosti, drugič/ **History fashion- revival, part two

2. Dvajseta

...me spominjajo na neskončni glamur, ples charleston, divje zabave ob prohibiciji alkohola in Velikega Gatsbya, ki sem ga brala v srednji šoli, ker najbolje zaobjame to obdobje. Smokey eyes, povsem populjene in na novo narisane obrvi, so vso to dramatičnost le še povdarili. Ščepec posodobitve smo dodali s prelepo belo obleko Kristine Lovko (na prvih dveh fotografijah), ter reciklirano obleko Almire Sadar (na tretjem posnetku). Na zadnji fotografiji je gola koža glavni akter preobrata, ki jo čudovito zapolni ogrlica iz zasebne zbirke Špele Hvale.
Mar ni čudovito?

2. The Twenties

...remind me of infinite glamour, Charlston dance, wild parties during alcohol prohibition and The Great Gatsby, which I read in high school, because it captures this period best. Smokey eyes, completely plucked eyebrows and new ones drawn back on, only accentuate all the drama. We added pinch of modernization with wonderful white dress by Kristina Lovko (first two photographies), and recycled Almira Sadar's dress (third photography). Naked skin is the main factor of turnaround on last photography, wonderfully completed with a necklace from private fundus of Špela Hvale.
Isn't it marvelous?

Foto/**Photo : Lenart Kirbis
MUA: Face it!
Frizura/**Hair : Nina Kotar
Model: Lara P.

Zunanji sodelavci ;)
Stilistka/**Styling : Spela Hvale
Kreacije/**Clothing: Almira Sadar, Kristina Lovko

Zgodovina mode - s pridihom sedanjosti/ ** History fashion - revival

Pod tem naslovom se skrivajo tri obdobja iz zgodovine mode, ki smo se jih odločili obuditi v sodobnost, in sicer: Viktorijansko obdobje, ter 20.-ta in 60.-ta leta prejšnjega stoletja. Obdobja smo oživeli z oblekami, frizurami, makeup-om, energijo, držo in dodatki, ter jih popestrili s pridihom sodobnosti.

**There are three periods of history fashion hiding under this title, chosen to be evoked in present: Victorian era, and 20's and 60's from previous century. We evoked these periods with clothes, hair styles, makeup, energy, pose and accessories, and added variety to them with touch of present.

1. Viktorjansko obdobje
Nekoč sem v neki dokumentarni oddaji prvič zasledila, da so prav v tem obdobju izumili kolo (prevozno sredstvo, op.a.), kar je za človeštvo, predvsem pa za ženske, pomenilo pravo osvoboditev. Ženska se je prvič v zgodovini lahko svobodno gibala in hitreje opravljala dnevne opravke. Tudi sama se rada vozim s kolesom in razumem njihovo svobodo, vendar mi dejstvo, da je bil to eden redkih svobodnih momentov v njihovih življenjih daje občutek, da je bilo to obdobje za žensko neprijetno. Ko pomislim na steznike, krinoline, vaje s knjigo na glavi (za pokončno držo), in opravljanje gospodinjskih opravil brez gospodinjskih aparatov, mi postane neudobno. Verjetno se njim samim stezniki niso zdeli pretirano nadležni, vendar me spodnje slike zaradi kontrastne sproščenosti vseeno neskončno pomirjajo. Naša Viktorijanka ne nosi niti modrca (kaj šele steznik) in verjamem, da se počuti vsaj tako svobodno, kot bi se 150let nazaj počutila v vožnji s kolesom. ;)

1. Victorian era
Long time ago, I came across some documentary episode, where I heard for the first time, that they have invented bicycle right in this period, which was very liberating for mankind, women in particular. A woman could move freely for the first time in history and was able to do daily businesses more quickly. I love to ride a bicycle, so I understand their freedom, but the fact that this was a rare opportunity to feel free in their lives, gives me the feeling that this period was unpleasant for women. When I think about corsets, crinolines, book on the head to exercise the upright pose and housekeeping without domestic appliances, I start to feel uncomfortable. They probably didn't think of corsets to be as uncomfortable as I do, but the pictures below give me the endless calm down because of their contradicting easiness and casualty. Our Victorian is not even wearing bra (nor corset), and I believe that she feels as free as she would 150 years ago, while riding a bike.

Foto/**Photo : Lenart Kirbis
MUA: Face it!
Frizura/**Hair : Nina Kotar
Model: Lara P.

Zunanji sodelavci ;)
Stilistka/**Styling : Špela Hvale
Kreacije/**Clothing: Kristina Lovko
Prstani/**Rings : Sonja Miklauzic

četrtek, 5. april 2012

She rooster

Koliko jajc na dan znese vaš petelin?
** How many eggs can your rooster lay in one day?

Make up: Face it!
Model: S.

xx, P.