O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 29. januar 2012

Pour homme

Ja, tudi fantje se šminkajo! :) Pa ja niste mislili, da se že zbudijo tako čedni in samo odkorakajo na snemanje??
No, ne pravim da so kot punce, ki si brez maskare še v trgovino ne upajo, vseeno pa jim je včasih pač treba prikriti kak podočnjak ali mozoljček, počesati obrvi ali urediti pričesko...

** Yes, boys use make up to! :) I hope you didn't think that they just wake up in the morning so pretty and handsome and that they just walk into the fotoshooting??
I'm not saying that they're like girls who wouldn't go not even to the store without mascara, but they do need to cover up some dark under eye circles or zits sometimes, brush through the eyebrows or arrange hair...

Model: Luka
Foto: Tina Robba
Make up: Face it!

Želim vam uspešen delovni teden/ ** Have a nice week,

2 komentarja:

  1. Super editorial. Nad slovenskim povprecjem. Al mogoce je to samo nas okus. Nam je vsec. Pridne pupe.
    P.s. puste stevilko od lukca drugic, ne:)
    Urska in NIkolina

    1. Hvala punce! Telefonsko vam pošljemo na privat ;)
