Mislim, da smo vse presrečne, ko se decembra (ja, še vedno omenjam ta mesec iz starega leta;) lahko okrasimo z bleščičkami.
Tudi zame je to poseben čas, ko ponavadi porabim vso tisto zalogo čudežnih prahcev, ki sem jo nabirala skozi vse leto (ker se nakupu le teh res težko uprem:) Toliko bolj vesela sem, če lahko z njimi in barvami ˝pretiravam˝.
Tako se nam je v sredini decembra odvilo res zabavno, sijoče in zelo naporno fotkanje z gimnastičarkami, katerih ˝srajčice˝ je sešila Katja. Usklajevanje barv, odtenkov, odsevov bleščečih se delcev na dresih in obrazu, ugotavljanje najlažjega in ˝najmanj bolečega˝načina nanosa le teh.. .predvsem pa skrb, da 12-letni deklici, ki se bo fotografirala v treh različnih dresih, z odstranjevanjem ličil in ponovnim nanosom, ne razdražim kože. Kako jo bom sploh prepričala, da bo minimalno 5ur čakala, mirno sedela, čakala, čakala, pozirala, čakala, sedela, čakala, sedela, pokazala vse kar zna.. .???
Izkazalo se je, da so dekleta noro potrpežljiva, vztrajna in zelo dobro sledijo navodilom! Kako dobre so na odru, pa se prepričajte sami ;)
**I think we are all delighted in December, when we can put on glitters and shine.
Even for me, this is a special time, when I usually spend all the stock of that magic powder that I have accumulated throughout the year (buying it, is really hard to rebel:). To exaggerate with it and colors just makes me happy.
In December we had a really funny, shiny and very tiring photo shooting with gymnast, whose jerseys were sewed by Katja. Coordination of colors, shades, shining reflections on the jerseys and faces. Finding the lightest and ˝least painful˝ coating method....and a special concern for 12-year-old girl, during her photo shooting in three different jerseys, by removing and re-applying makeup, not to affect her skin. How can I convince her for the minimum 5 hours to calmly waits...sits, waits, poses, sits, waits...and finally shows the best she can???
It turned out that the girls are really patient, persistent and they follow the instructions very well! How good they are on stage...see for yourself;)
Fotografija/ **Photography: Lenart Kirbis
Stiliranje/ **Stayling: Katja Richter
Modeli/ **Models: Lara Pikovnik, Katja Bogdanič, Zoja Marija Ivančič
Ličenje/ **MUA: Face it!
Frizura/ **Hair: Nina Kotar
Lara Pikovnik, 1.
Lara Pikovnik, 2.
Lara Pikovnik, 3.
Zoja Marija Ivančič, 1.
Katja Bogdanič, 1.
Katja, Zoja, Lara hvala vam za vašo ljubkost, mirnost in hkratno energičnost, nežnost.. .pa srečno naprej na tekmovanjih!
**Katja, Zoja, Lara thank you for your grace, calmness, tenderness and energy at the same time. And good luck in competitions!
Ostanite razigrani/ **Stay in high spirits;)