O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

petek, 25. november 2011

Manouche drugič/ **Manouche vol.II

Manouche so nam pripravili še eno pesem (Nekaj mi povej), ki nas čisto v njihovem stilu, ne bo pustila stati mirno! Že prvih nekaj taktov nas bo spomnilo na prve 4 dekade prejšnjega stoletja, ko je bil alkohol prepovedan, a so se ljudje kljub temu noro zabavali.
Na snemanju je bilo zelo zabavno, saj se kot internacionalna ekipa (ali pa mogoče prav zaradi tega) fantastično ujamejo in jim nikoli ne zmanjka razlogov za smeh.

V pričakovanju novega videospota skupine Manouche, vam ponujava vpogled v proces nastajanja le-tega.

**Manouche have released another song (Nekaj mi povej/**Tell me something), that is completely their style, which means it won't leave us standing still. The first few tones will already recall on the first 4 decades of previous century, when alcohol was illegal, but people were still throwing wild parties.
The shooting was a great fun since they get along so well, as an international team (or maybe it is because of that) and they never run out of reasons to laugh.

In expectation of a new video, we offer you a sneak peak into making off.

foto/**photo: Založba Celinka
Ličenje/**MUA: Face it!

Let's dance;)

četrtek, 17. november 2011

Dobra kraljica Bess / **Good Queen Bess

Deviškost obstaja?
Po mojem mnenju ima vsakdo kanček magije v sebi. Tudi takoimenovana ˝deviška kraljica˝ skriva del te čarobnosti, navzven pa jo izraža skozi divje disco bleščeče ustnice.

Moderno Elizabeto sva skupaj s frizerjem Borisom iz Subrine ustvarili septembra, v sklopu Festivala frizure in ličenja#.

Does the virginity exist?
I think everybody has a magic in themselves somewhere. A woman named ˝virgin queen˝ hides a part of that magic as it reflects in her crazy sparkling disco lips.

We created this modern Elisabeth at the Festival of hairstyles and make-up in September, together with a hairdresser Boris from Subrina company.

Foto: Oskar Musič #

Angleško-irski pozdrav,


nedelja, 13. november 2011

Editorial: Rural

Rural je modna zgodba o matriarhatu, ki je bil do nedavnega pogost pojav v redko naseljeni visokogorskih področjih Balkana.V okviru šolskega projekta# smo zdobo preselili na slovenska tla.
Če vas pot slučajno zanese na Hrvaško, si lahko fotografije do 20.11.2011 v živo ogledate na razstavi Photodistorzija, v galeriji Zuccato, Poreč.

**Rural is a fashion story about matriarchy, which until recenty, took place in sparsely populated mountain areas of the Balkan. For the school project# we moved this story to Slovenian ground.
If you are by any chance visiting Croatia in the near future, you can see these photos in exibition Photodistorzija at Zuccato galerie in Poreč, until 20th November 2011.

Fotografija/**Photography: Primož Lukežič, Urban Štebljaj
Ličenje/**MUA: Face it!
Kostum in stajling/**Costums and Stayling: Špela Hvale
Modela/**Models: Gaja, Sara Ana

x, S.

nedelja, 6. november 2011

Manouche - Kje si lubi?

Tole je malce pozno poročilo o tem, kako sva v aprilu s čopiči plesali po obrazih skupine Manouche in ostalih sodelujočih pri projektu, ki je posvečen Djangou Reinhardtu.
Videti je bilo veliko rdeče šminke (ki jo je bilo tekom noči potrebno mnogokrat popraviti ;) , nasmejano-pojočih obrazov, zagretih in ogretih plesalcev, ki so bili po mojem edini, ki jih ni treslo od mraza, saj so odplesali cel maraton. Poslušali pa smo... mislim, da nam je vsem še nekaj dni po koncu snemanja, v glavah igral spodnji komad. :)

**This is rather delayed report about a project dadicated to Django Reinhardt, that we did in April, when we danced with brushes on the faces of Manouche (slovenian band) and other participants.
There was lot of red lipstick to see (which needed plenty of corrections during the night ;), smile-singing faces, heated dancers who I think were the only ones not shaking cold, since they danced a whole marathon. And we were listening to...well, I think we all had the echo of the song (attached at the bottom) going trough out minds for the next few days. :)

Let´s dance!
