Tole je malce pozno poročilo o tem, kako sva v aprilu s čopiči plesali po obrazih skupine Manouche in ostalih sodelujočih pri projektu, ki je posvečen Djangou Reinhardtu.
Videti je bilo veliko rdeče šminke (ki jo je bilo tekom noči potrebno mnogokrat popraviti ;) , nasmejano-pojočih obrazov, zagretih in ogretih plesalcev, ki so bili po mojem edini, ki jih ni treslo od mraza, saj so odplesali cel maraton. Poslušali pa smo... mislim, da nam je vsem še nekaj dni po koncu snemanja, v glavah igral spodnji komad. :)
**This is rather delayed report about a project dadicated to Django Reinhardt, that we did in April, when we danced with brushes on the faces of Manouche (slovenian band) and other participants.
There was lot of red lipstick to see (which needed plenty of corrections during the night ;), smile-singing faces, heated dancers who I think were the only ones not shaking cold, since they danced a whole marathon. And we were listening to...well, I think we all had the echo of the song (attached at the bottom) going trough out minds for the next few days. :)
Let´s dance!
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