Moje najljubše obdobje.
Predvsem zaradi glasbe. Po svetu se takrat razmahne ˝Beatlomanija˝, ki jo jaz čutim, občudujem in obožujem še danes! Ob njih vem, da meja ni. Lucija z diamanti me odnese tja, kjer domišlija lahko skače, barva, krasi po svoje.
Na eni strani hipijevsko gibanje, na drugi pa deklice z velikimi lesketajočimi očmi in neskončno dolgimi trepalnicami, ki jih mimogrede, obožujem!
Inspiracija za spodnje make up-e je vzeta iz Jagodnih polj in Twiggyjinih očk.
**My favorite period.
Why? Mainly because of the music. Beatlemania rocked the world. Today, I feel, admire and love this phenomenon.All this makes me feel there is no limits. Lucy in the sky (with diamonds) takes me there, where imagination can jump, paint and adorn in its own way. On the one hand hippie subculture movement, on the other girls with big shiny eyes and infinitely long eyelashes, which, btw, I adore.
Inspiration for the following make-ups is taken from the Strawberry fields and from the Twiggy eyes.
Foto: Tomaž Bevk
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