O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

nedelja, 5. februar 2012

Ljubezen na prvi pogled /**Love at first sight

Včasih ti je nekaj všeč.
Včasih ti je nekaj tako všeč, da o tem razmišljaš še nekaj dni po tem ko mine.
Toda včasih ti je nekaj tako všeč, da to preprosto moraš imeti in to takoj zdaj!
Kot na primer te prečudovite broškice, ki bi jih skoraj raje pojedla kot pripela na pulover ali plašč. Krasi jih popolna kombinacija pastelov, živalskih figuric in pridih starinskosti, so tople, mehke in nadvse romantične.
To je lahko tudi ideja za fante, kaj podariti puncam za Valentinovo. Verjemite mi na besedo, s takim darilom preprosto ne morete zgrešiti! ;)

Naročite jih lahko tukaj: Oh, Henry!

Sometimes there's something you like.
Sometimes there's something you like so much, you think about for days.
But sometimes there's something you like
so much, you just have to have, and you have to have it right now!
These brooches for example, which I'd almost rather eat than wear on my pullover or coat. They're decorated with perfect combination of pastel colors, animal figures and touch of vintage, they're warm, soft and very romantic.
This could also be an idea for guys, what to give girls for Valentine's Day. Trust me on this one, with such gift you simply can not miss! ;)

You can order them here: Oh, Henry!

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