O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

sreda, 6. november 2013

A Game of Chess (part 2)

Model: DE
Photo: Lenart Kirbiš
MUA: Face it!

Kako so ti všeč tile mavrični make-upi?
Tole je druga polovica našega projekta 'A Game of Chess' in kmalu vam pokažem končni izdelek :)

**How do you like these colorful makeups?
This is the second half of our project 'A Game of Chess' and soon I'm gonna show you the final product

torek, 5. november 2013

A Game of Chess (part 1)

Prva polovica novega projekta z imenom 'A game of chess'. Kateri od makeupov se vam najbolj dopade?

**First half of a new project named 'A game of chess'. Which makeup do you like the most?

Model: DE
Photo: Lenart Kirbiš

ponedeljek, 4. november 2013

Halloween 2013

Kot že veste, eden mojih najljubših praznikov.. .
Skoraj sem že pozabila na letošnji 'Macabre' in fotke zadržala zase ;)

Želim si več takih dni, ko moj alter ego lahko privre na plan.. .

**As you know, my favorite holiday.. . I've almost lost and forgotten on these 'Macabre' photos, but here they are
Wish I could have more days like this, when I can show my alter ego.. .

Photo: Lenart Kirbiš
MUA+model: Petra

In še strašno krvava noč čarovnic s prijateljicami.. .
(Se opravičujem za slabo kvaliteto spodnjih fotk.)

**And bloody scary Halloween with my friends.. .
(Sorry for the low quality pictures below.)

Scared enough?

sobota, 21. september 2013

Poročna zgodba

Včasih brskam po internetu kar tja v tri dni.. . 

Včasih se zgodi, da tam naključno najdem tudi 'sebe' (oz.svoje prstke;).


Sometimes I just like to browse and browse and browse the web.. .
And also sometimes while browsing, I do randomly encounter myself (actualy my fingers;).

Klikni tukaj za ogled poročne zgodbe.. .

Click here fot The wedding story.. .

sobota, 3. avgust 2013

Proper British Tea Party

Lenart and I got an idea. So we said let's do it, although we've never done anything similar to it before. And we like it even if it's not commercial perfect!

**Z Lenartom sva dobila idejo. Pa sva rekla da bova probala, čeprav se kaj podobnega še nikoli nisva lotila. In nama je všeč, kljub temu da ni popolno kot iz reklame.

Photo+montage: Lenart Kirbis
Model: Kirsty-Anne Tritton
Dress: Lisa Guo
Accessories: Oh, Henry

Tea Party from Lenart Kirbis on Vimeo.

sobota, 20. julij 2013


While Petra is making gorgeous brides and other beauties even prettier, we made a project in London that is rather different!

Anthropophobia grew under the guidance of stylist Samantha Jayne Camara, who was inspired by rebel spirit of punk culture in seventies, skinny British rebelliously handsome boys and the music of the era.

Medtem ko Petra lepotiči neveste in ostale mične gospodične, smo se mi v Londonu lotili precej drugačnega projekta!

Anthropophobia je nastala pod vodstvom stilistke Samanthe Jayne Camara, ki jo je navdušil uporniški duh pankovske kulture sedemdesetih, suhljati britanski razbojniško čedni dečki in glasba tega časa. 

Photography: Chiara Ceci 
Styling: Samantha Jayne Camara
Model: Arthur Wilson-Lassall at D1 MOdels
Makeup: Face it!

četrtek, 18. julij 2013

Plain & nice

Sem in tja si kakšna nevesta zaželi prav poseben make up. 
Popolnoma naraven, sijoč, (skoraj) brez uporabe ličil. 

Je to sploh mogoče? 

Poglej si spodnje fotografije in se prepričaj na lastne oči :)

** Now and then a bride wishes for a very special make-up look.
All natural, shiny bright, (almost) without any make up application.

Is that even possible?

Check out the photos below and see for yourself :)

Maruša on her perfect day.. .


sreda, 17. julij 2013

Ne čakaj na maj.. . \ Pink wedding

Foto: Žiga
MUA: Face it!


četrtek, 11. julij 2013

JUNGLE FEVER by T-shirt Policy London

Something old. 

From London.

Style and T-shirt design: Natasha Petafi
Photo: Wonkeagi
Mua: Face it!

You can buy your own Jungle fever T-shirt here :)

sobota, 8. junij 2013

Collection Fall/Winter 2013-14 by Maja Leskovšek

This is collection for fall and winter 2013-14 which was presented on Philips Fashion Week Ljubljana in April 2013. 

designer: Maja Leskovšek
assistent: Rok Kučan
foto: Jon Žagar
model: Katja L.
mua: Face it!