O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

sobota, 24. november 2012


We support mustaches too.
The way I see it, it is to men what makeup is to women; it makes them feel strong, mature and manly. So in the spirit of the season, we combined bits of both and converted them into "makeup accessory".

Now I simply mustache you, which do we like better, lipstaches or browstaches? ;)

Have a lovely rest of Movember and please shave them for later... ;)

petek, 23. november 2012

T-shirt Policy London

Najin najnovejši projekt, nastal s popolnoma novo ekipo.
Bilo nam je lepo.. .

Our latest project, occurred with totally new team.
We had a great time.. .

Designer: Natasha Petafi for T-shirt Policy London
Photos by: Agnes Wonke-Toth
 Model: Emma
Make up and hair by: Face it!

Če si želiš biti tako lepo potiskana tudi ti, obišči T-shirt Policy :)

If also you are looking for the print like this, check the T-shirt Policy:)

sreda, 14. november 2012


CLICHE smo soustvarili Lenart Kirbis (scenarij, kamera, režija in montaža), Teja S. (glavna vloga), Kristina Lovko (plašč) in moja malenkost (ličenje).

 CLICHE was made in colaboration with Lenart Kirbis (script, camera, directing and montage), Teja S. (leading role), Kristina Lovko (coat) and myself (make-up).

četrtek, 1. november 2012

Trick or treat?

Vsako leto, že veliko pred 31. oktobrom vem, kakšno masko si bom nadela za Noč čarovnic, letos se pa kar nisem in nisem mogla odločiti.                                                                     
Seveda so me mikale rane in kri, pa smrtne glave in veliko, veliko barv, vendar nisem vedela kako naj vse te elemente sestavim v celoto!  
Sabinin predlog, da uporabiva neonske barve je bil zmagovalen! Vključili sva tudi motiv smrti in za nameček me je Sabina razveselila še z ranami:)
Vedela sem, da bo letošnja noč čarovnic popolna!

Usually I know much before the 31st October what mask I'm gonna wear, but this year I just couldn't decide.
I was tempted by wounds, blood and skulls and various range of colours, but I just didn't know how to put all this elements together!
Sabina's proposal to use neon colours, was winning idea! We also used motive of death and she also cheered me up with wounds:)

I just knew, that this year's Halloween will be perfect!

Mehiški Macabre (Sugar Skull) z neonskimi dodatki je navduševal ljudi v klubu in strašil jutranje opazovalce iz ulic;)
Mixican Macabre (Sugar Skull) in neon colours was amusing the crowd in the club and scaring the first people on the streets in the morning;)

Sabinin Rockabilly/Zombi videz z inspiracijo iz 50. let
Sabina's 50's inspired Rockabilly/Zombie look

Tako sva strašili mimoidoče:)
This is how we were scaring people:)