O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

sobota, 31. marec 2012

PrejPotem /**BeforeAfter

Med ustvarjanjem nekega drugega projekta (ki je za enkrat še skrivnost- o ja, bo treba še malo počakati!) nas je malce "zaneslo" in nastale so naslednje čudovite fotografije. Prva spada pod foto-dokumentacijo skrivnostnega projekta, ostali dve pa sta plod trenutnega navala fotografove inspiracije... Objavljam obe različici, ker sem vsakič znova navdušena kakšno spremembo lahko dosežemo z makeup-om.

**While working on another project (which is still a secret - oh yes, you'll have to wait a bit longer!) we've got "carried away" and these gorgeous pictures came out. The first one belongs to the photo-documentation of the secret project and the other two are product of current onrush of the photographer's inspiration... I am publishing all of them, because every time again I am amazed with the difference that can be achieved with make up.

Fotografija/ **Photo: Lenart Kirbis
MUA: face it!
Model: Teja

Tale stran me je še posebej navdušila, predvsem zaradi grafičnega oblikovanja in seveda makeup-a. Res fascinantno, zabavno in hkrati poučno! ;)

**And I was very impressed by this webpage, mainly due to graphic design and makeup, obviously. Really fascinating, amusing and instructive at the same time!;)

Želim vam lep vikend!/**Have a nice weekend!

četrtek, 29. marec 2012

Prva dama Slovenije/ **Slovenian first lady

Najina prva naslovnica/ **Our first magazine cover :)

Decembra 2011 sem imela to čast, da sem svoje čopiče lahko vrtela po obrazu naše prve dame, gospe Barbare Miklič Turk. Še vedno, pred vsakim ličenjem čutim vznemirjenje in povečano izločanje adrenalina. Tokrat sem se srečanja še posebej veselila, a hkrati bila na trnjih, ker si nisem predstavljala kako bo potekalo vse skupaj.
Izkazalo se je, da se je celotna ekipa ob čajanki sprostila in umirila, ter je delo potekalo res gladko. Tudi gospa je bila zelo prijazna in me večkrat nasmejala s svojimi prigodami in anekdotami. Moram priznati, da bi jo z veseljem še kdaj uredila.

** In December 2011, I had the honor to spin my brushes for our First Lady, Mrs Barbara Miklic Turk. Still, before any make-up, I feel the excitement and increased secretion of adrenaline. This time, I was especially looking forward to meet her....but still, I was nervous because I didn’ t know how everything will go.... It turned out, that the entire team relaxed at the tea party and all the work went really smoothly. Even the First lady was very friendly and she made me laugh with her adventures and anecdotes. 
I must admit, I would be glad to do all the make-up for her again.

Foto/ **Photo: Iztok Dimc
MUA: Face it!

Objavljeno v reviji Obrazi/ **Published in Slovenian weekly magazine "Obrazi"; 19.1.2012

Uživajte na sončku/ **Have fun in the sun :)

nedelja, 18. marec 2012

Modne revije/ **Fashion shows

Najin repertoar projektov, pri katerih sva z veseljem sodelovali, zajema tudi nekaj modnih revij. Te so čisto posebna zgodba v svetu mode, saj zahtevajo veliko dela in zbranosti v relativno kratkem času. Navadno trajajo priprave za nekaj minutni dogodek tudi cel dan, vendar predvidevajo malo časa za ličenje precejšnjega števila modelov. Prav zato na eni modni reviji navadno sodeluje več maskerk, ki pa morajo doseči isti rezultat. Na revijah pri katerih sva sodelovali, smo od oblikovalcev, oziroma režiserjev revij, dobili bolj ali manj natančna navodila kakšen naj bo make up, z malo maneverskega prostora za lastno domišljijo, vendar je make up sestavni del celotne zgodbe, ki si jo zamislijo prav kreatorji.

Najzahtevnejša revija, ki nam je pognala največ adrenalina po žilah, je zagotovo bila Svetloba, zaključna revija študentov NTF, pri kateri je sodelovalo zares veliko oblikovalcev, manekenk in nenazadnje tudi maskerk. Za ličenje smo imeli na voljo zgolj 4ure časa, ki so prehitro minile in smo zadnje priprave končali dobesedno tik preden so manekenke odkorakale na pisto. Bilo je lepo, adrenalinsko in pravi užitek izza oderja kukati na pisto. Tukaj je nekaj fotografij, ki naju bodo vedo spominjale na čudovite trenutke v "kaotičnih" improviziranih maskirnicah. Upava, da jih bo še veliko.

**Our repertoire of projects also includes several fashion shows, where we were glad to participate. Fashion shows are definitely unique story in fashion world, for they require a lot of work and concentration in a relatively short amount of time. The preparations for a few minutes event, usually take whole day, but they predict a very short amount of time to make up quite a lot of models. Therefore one event usually involves several make up artists, which should achieve same result in the end. At these shows, we got more or less strict directions from creators or directors of the fashion show, what make up to do, with little maneuvering space for our own imagination, but make up is just a part of whole package, that designers imagined.

The most challenging show, that pumped the most adrenalin through our veins, was definetly Svetloba, the final show of students of NTF (fashion design), where numerous designers, models and make up artists participated at. We only had 4 hours to do make up which passed by too quickly, so we literally finished the final preparations just before models walked the runway. Here are some pictures, that will always remind us of wonderful moments spent in "chaotic" improvised make up rooms.
We hope, there are more to come.

Zaključna revija študentov NTF, 2011 - Svetloba
/** Final show of students of NTF, 2011- Svetloba:

Foto/**Photo: Sandi Fišer (vir/**source: rtvslo.si), Darko Sintič#

Mura s svojimi znamkami Mura, e.mura, LeOna in J. G. Carniolus, za jesen/zimo 2011 in pomlad/poletje 2012
Mura with it's brands Mura, e.mura, LeOna and J. G. Carniolus, for F/W 2011 and S/S 2012. (A big comeback of slovenian bigest clothing company, with longest tradition):

Foto/**Photo: Miro Majcen (vir/**source: 24ur.com), Sandi Fišer (vir/**source: rtvslo.si)

Zakulisje Peko, Mura, Rašica, Almira Sadar... za poletje 2011
/** Backstage for Peko, Mura, Rašica, Almira Sadar... S/S 2011:

( Se opravičujem za slike sper slabe kakovosti, posnete z mojim telefonom, ampak na internetu na žalost nisem našla kvalitetnejših.
I apologise for the super low quality pictures, taken with my phone, but unfortunately I couldn't find any better on the Internet)

Zakulisje modne revije Valerije Kralj v sodelovanju z Rogaška Chrystal /**Backstage of Valerija Kralj and Rogaška Chrystal show:

Foto/**Photo: Sanja Skoric

Za konec pa še dve reviji v duhu ekološke ozaveščenosti
/**And for the end, two shows in the spirit of ecological awareness:

Zmenek z drugo obleko, revija drušva Ekologi brez meja
/** "
Date with another dres", show by Association of Ecologists without borders

Foto/**Photo: Polonca Štritof (vir/**source: https://picasaweb.google.com/110085319835609702777/ZmenekZDrugoObleko30112011)

Atelier Indevine: Znani za Re-generacijo/** Atelier Indevine: Celebrities for Re-Generation:

Foto/** Photo: Matjaž Tavčar (vir/**source: www.manufaktura.si)

sreda, 7. marec 2012

Vrnitev/ **Return

.. . a ona se v negotovosti vedno znova vrača na svoj porušeni grad.

** But she is returning on her demolished castle again and again.. .


Fotograf/ **Photographer: Andrej Nemec
Asistent fotografa/ **Photo assistant: Dare Sintič
MUA: Face it!
Stilist/ **Stylist: Mojca Celin
Model: Mara R

xx, P.