Sobota in torek - dva dneva v letu, ko ste lahko karkoli in kdorkoli si želite!
.. . le datum naj bo pravi;) Sobota je za nami, trebuščki (pre)polni slastnih krofov, glave že ozdravljene mačka in pripravljene na torek. Pustni torek!
Že imate svojo masko?
Če ne, si poglejte spodnje predloge, morebiti vam bo katera všeč.. .
**In our country we have two carnival events every year in February or March, we celebrate them on the last Saturday and Tuesday before Lent. This year those two days are 18th and 21th February. We call it "pust".
So for two out of 356 days a year, you can be anything or anyone you want:) Saturday is already behind us, stomachs are full of doughnuts, our heads cured of a hangover.. . and we are ready for Tuesday!
Do you have your own carnival mask already?
If the answer is no, than maybe you will get some inspiration from us - take a look:)
Snežna kraljica/ **Snow queen
Foto: Fotovideostoritve
Afro diva
Disco chick
MUA: Face it!
Stay fabulous!