Letos sem sklenila, da poiščem ustreznejši način depilacije kot je britje, ki bo imel dolgotrajn(ejš)i učinek in bo neboleč, ali pa vsaj manj boleč od depilacije z depilatorjem ali voskom. Tako sem se odločila preizkusiti Afroditino depilacijsko kremo Depilation HYDRA. Nad
Afroditinimi izdelki sem bila, oziroma sem še vedno zelo zadovoljna, tako da sem bila prepričana, da me tudi depilacijska krema ne bo pustila na cedilu.
Depilation HYDRA vsebuje UREA vlažilec, saj je koža lahko tudi poleti rahlo suha, za občutljivejše kože pa je na voljo še SENSITIVE različica. Embalaža obljublja rezultate že v 3 minutah, oziroma nekoliko dlje, če imate močnejše/debelejše dlačice. V škatlici dobite poleg kreme tudi loparček za nanašanje in odstranjevanje kreme, s katero postopek poteka veliko hitreje, lažje in z manj packarije. :)
Čeprav sem pričakovala nekoliko več proizvoda, namreč tubica vsebuje samo 100ml kreme, sem bila presenečena nad učinkovitostjo. Za uspešno odstranitev dlačic zadostuje že nanos v debelini 2-3mm. Sama sem malce nespretna pri ocenjevanju debelin in dožin takole "na oko", tako da sem morda uporabila še nekoliko tanjši sloj, a kljub temu sem že po treh minutah z loparčkom z lahkoto v celoti odstranila dlačice. Po končani depilaciji je bila koža na nogah gladka, zelo mehka in resnično navlažena, občutek pa je trajal še nekaj dni.
Depilacijsko kremo lahko uporabljamo tudi na bikini predelu in pazduhah, saj je dovolj nežna da kože ne poškoduje, vendar pa je kljub temu predhodno zelo dobrodošel test občutljivosti! Za dlačice na obrazu lahko uporabite kremo Depilation SENSITIVE, saj je koža obraza veliko bolj občutljiva.
Ker pa ima vsak način depilacije vsaj eno slab(š)o lastnost, jo ima tudi tale. Med nanosom in odstranivijo kreme poteče namreč kemična reakcija, ki ima kot stranski učinek neprijeten vonj. To je sicer veliko manj neprijetno od bolečine med puljenjem dlačic, vendar vam vseeno priporočam, da depilacije s kremo ne izvajate v zaprtem prostoru brez zračenja!
Druga neprijetna lastnost pa je ta, ki jo srečamo pri vseh vrstah depilacije in sicer, da se je še 24ur po depilaciji potrebno izogibati soncu!
No, k sreči pa Afroditina Depilation linija zajema tudi gel po depilaciji, ki zagotavlja upočasnjeno rast in zmanjšuje število novih in vraščenih dlačic. Gel ima pomirjevalni in rahli antiseptični učinek, ki ga po nanosu občutimo kot nekoliko hladilni/pekoči občutek. Izjemno dobrodošla lastnost gela je, da ga lahko uporabljamo po vseh vrstah depilacije (britje, vosek, strojček, depilacijska krema...), tako ženske
kot tudi moški! Mislim, da bodo tudi fantje zelo navdušeni nad učinkovitostjo gela, zato jim le prišepnite tole uporabno informacijo. Nenazadnje se oni brijejo tudi pozimi, ko me lahko malček pogoljufamo v dolgih hlačah! ;)
Želim vam gladek preostanek poletja!
**This year I have decided to find better depilation method than shaving, which will have long(er) effect and will not be painful, or at least less painful than waxing or using epilator. So I decided to try Afrodita's depilatory cream: Depilation HYDRA. I was, in fact I still am, very pleased over Afrodita's anticellulite products, so I believed that once again I will not be disappointed.
Depilation HYDRA contains UREA moisturizer, since skin can be a bit dry during summer as well, and for more sensitive skin there is also Depilation SENSITIVE cream. Packaging is promising the results in no more than 3minutes, or a bit longer if your hair is thicher/stronger. The packaging includes a special spatula for cream application and removing, which helps you to do the procedure faster, easier and with a lot less mess. :)
Even though I expected a little more product, the tube contains only 100ml of cream, I was very surprised over efficiency. For successful hair removal, only 2-3mm thick application is needed. I am a bit awkward with approximate lenght and thickness determination, so I might used even less product, but I could anyway completely remove the hair in just 3 minutes very easily. After depilation, the skin on my legs was smooth, soft and really moisturized and this feeling lasted for a few more days.
Depilatory cream can also be used on bikini and armpits, since it is gentle enough not to harm this sensitive skin, but you should do the sensitivity test before first use anyway! For facial hair, the Depilation SENSITIVE cream is recommended, because the facial skin is even more sensitive.
But every depilation method has at least one bad feature, and even this method has one. While cream is aplicated to the skin, there is a chemical reaction running, which has a side effect as an unpleasant odor. It is a lot less unpleasant than pain whie hair plugging, but I still recommend to only use this product in a room with a window, or good ventilation system.
The other unpleasant feature is the same as with any other depilation method, which is that sunbathing should be avoided for at least next 24hrs!
But fortunately, Afrodita's Depilation line, also contains after depilation gel, which slows down hair growth after depilation and reduces the number of new and ingrown hairs. This gel has calming and a mildly disinfectant effect, which feels like nice cooling feeling.
Extremely welcoming gel's characteristic is that can be used after any kind of depilation method (shaving, waxing, epilator, depilation cream...) and can be used by women or men as well. I think that men will be also impressed over it's efficiency, so do whisper them this useful information. They do have to shave during the winter as well, while us ladies, can cheat a bit in long pants! ;)
I wish you a smooth the rest of the summer!