O vsem kar naju inspirira, se podi po najinih mislih in naju mami.

*** About all that inspires us, flashes trough our minds and what we find highly addictive.

So Like it or face it!

XOXO, Petra & Sabina

četrtek, 20. december 2012

Red lipstick

Fotkanje s prelepo Jano, ki je večer prej dobila herpes na ustnici. Sprva me je zagrabila panika, potem je "moteči faktor" postal izziv, ki se ga da obleči tudi v rdečo šminko :)

**Beautiful Jana got a herpes on her upper lip just the evening before fotoshooting. At first I panicked, 
but then this little problem became a real challenge, which can be covered even with red lipstick :)

Model: Jana Turk
Photo by: Bojan Mijatovič
Retouch: Lenart Kirbiš
MUA: Face it!

Lepo nanesena rdeča šminka popestri kakršenkoli videz in se mi zdi popolna "pika na i" za praznične dni. Glede na to, da se v teh dneh veliko poljubljamo in vas verjetno skrbi, kako bo šminka zdržala do konca večera, vam ponujam popolno rešitev: LIPSTICK FIXER!
Po tem, ko izrišete ustnice s črtalom in natančno nanesete šminko, jih prelakirate še s fikserjem. Vonj je ob nanosu sicer malce neprijeten, ampak se tekočina v parih sekundah posuši in vonj popolnoma izgine, šminka pa ostane na svojem mestu cel dan. Za večji sijaj čez nanesite brezbarven gloss za ustnice, ki pa ob poljubljanju ne bo puščal barvnih sledi ;)

**I think that nice and carefully applied red lipstick gives you a perfect look for festive days. Considering there is a lot of kissing at this time of year, you are probably worried about the lipstick staying on until the end of the night. I am offering you a perfect solution: LIPSTICK FIXER!
At first you need to define your lips with lip pencil. Then carefully apply lipstick, cover it with fixer and you are ready to party all day and night long :) For more shine you can apply clear lip gloss which won't leave red marks while kissing ;)

Merry Xmass,


sreda, 5. december 2012

Memory & Adaptation, Isabel Wong look book S/S '13

"Spomin in prilagoditev", look book Isabele Wong za pomlad/poletje 2013, ostaja zvest njenemu pogledu na oblikovanje. Zanimivi kroji z ročno izdelanimi detajli in mehko padajočimi materiali, dajejo oblačilom edinstvenost in prepoznavnost. 
Tudi ličenje je bilo zasnovano na spominu prejšnje linije Isabel Wong (kliknite tukaj da si osvežite spomin), obenem pa prilagojeno za urbano žensko; koža ostaja sijoča, šminka s sončnim zahodom postane intenzivnejša, ombre obvi pa so ključni detajl, ki bi si ga to sezono morala drzniti preizkusiti vsaka ženska. Dovolj besedičenja, poglejte si sami....
"Memory and Adaptation", Isabel Wong's look book for spring/summer 2013 remains true to her vision of design. Interesting cuts with handmade details and floating fabrics make the garments unique and known by.
Makeup was also built on the memory of Isabel Wong's previous line (click here to refresh your memory), while adapted for urban woman; skin remains glowing, lipstick becomes more intense as the sun is setting down and the ombre brows are the "it" detail that each woman should dare to try this season. Enough talking, have a look.... 

Designer: Isabel Wong
Photo&Video: Lenart Kirbis
Model: Kirsty-Anne T.
Makeup&Hair: Face it!
...and the close-ups:

sobota, 24. november 2012


We support mustaches too.
The way I see it, it is to men what makeup is to women; it makes them feel strong, mature and manly. So in the spirit of the season, we combined bits of both and converted them into "makeup accessory".

Now I simply mustache you, which do we like better, lipstaches or browstaches? ;)

Have a lovely rest of Movember and please shave them for later... ;)

petek, 23. november 2012

T-shirt Policy London

Najin najnovejši projekt, nastal s popolnoma novo ekipo.
Bilo nam je lepo.. .

Our latest project, occurred with totally new team.
We had a great time.. .

Designer: Natasha Petafi for T-shirt Policy London
Photos by: Agnes Wonke-Toth
 Model: Emma
Make up and hair by: Face it!

Če si želiš biti tako lepo potiskana tudi ti, obišči T-shirt Policy :)

If also you are looking for the print like this, check the T-shirt Policy:)

sreda, 14. november 2012


CLICHE smo soustvarili Lenart Kirbis (scenarij, kamera, režija in montaža), Teja S. (glavna vloga), Kristina Lovko (plašč) in moja malenkost (ličenje).

 CLICHE was made in colaboration with Lenart Kirbis (script, camera, directing and montage), Teja S. (leading role), Kristina Lovko (coat) and myself (make-up).

četrtek, 1. november 2012

Trick or treat?

Vsako leto, že veliko pred 31. oktobrom vem, kakšno masko si bom nadela za Noč čarovnic, letos se pa kar nisem in nisem mogla odločiti.                                                                     
Seveda so me mikale rane in kri, pa smrtne glave in veliko, veliko barv, vendar nisem vedela kako naj vse te elemente sestavim v celoto!  
Sabinin predlog, da uporabiva neonske barve je bil zmagovalen! Vključili sva tudi motiv smrti in za nameček me je Sabina razveselila še z ranami:)
Vedela sem, da bo letošnja noč čarovnic popolna!

Usually I know much before the 31st October what mask I'm gonna wear, but this year I just couldn't decide.
I was tempted by wounds, blood and skulls and various range of colours, but I just didn't know how to put all this elements together!
Sabina's proposal to use neon colours, was winning idea! We also used motive of death and she also cheered me up with wounds:)

I just knew, that this year's Halloween will be perfect!

Mehiški Macabre (Sugar Skull) z neonskimi dodatki je navduševal ljudi v klubu in strašil jutranje opazovalce iz ulic;)
Mixican Macabre (Sugar Skull) in neon colours was amusing the crowd in the club and scaring the first people on the streets in the morning;)

Sabinin Rockabilly/Zombi videz z inspiracijo iz 50. let
Sabina's 50's inspired Rockabilly/Zombie look

Tako sva strašili mimoidoče:)
This is how we were scaring people:)

petek, 19. oktober 2012

Isabel Wong

Isabel Wong je mlada Britanska oblikovalka visoke mode, ki inspiracijo išče v svojem zanimanju za paradoks in enigmo. Odlikujejo jo enostavni in sodobni kroji, kreativni rezi in sposobnost pretvarjanja konceptualnosti v nosljive kose oblačil. Posebno všečen je tudi izbor plapolajočih in mehkih materialov, v kombinaciji z zanimivimi ročno izdelanimi detajli.

Ličenje je zasnovano na teoriji kontrastov, ki z ostro linijo in obliko trikotnika subtilno nasprotuje mehkobi materialov in neokrnjeni naravi. Mokri videz las spominja na padajočo vodo in povezuje elemente obleke, ličenja in narave med seboj.

Isabel Wong is young British high fashion designer, who is inspired by paradox and enigma. Her designs are defined by simplicity, contemporary and experimental creative cutting and ability to translate conceptualism into wearability.  Particularly likeable is also her choice of floating and soft materials, combined with interesting handmade details.

Makeup was based on theory of contrasts, which use sharp line and shape of triangle to subtly object the softness of materials and  unspoiled nature. Wet hair look is resembling of waterfall and is melting the elements of clothing, makeup and nature together.


Foto/ Photo: Lenart Kirbis
Oblečila/ Clothing: Isabel Wong
Ličenje in frizura/ Makeup and Hair: Face it!
Model: Manca V.

sreda, 3. oktober 2012

Pogled v njenih očeh / The look in her eyes

Všeč mi je njen pogled, ko se poistoveti z oblačili. Oster in drzen.
Makeup je popolnoma nasproten, obrazu daje mehkobo in poudari njene modre oči.
Skupaj deluje zapeljivo in močno. J'adore.

**I love the look in her eyes when she identifies with her outfit. Sharp and bold.
The makeup is just the opposite of it, it brings softness to her face and emphasizes her blue eyes.
Together it works seductive and strong.

Foto/**Photo: Lenart Kirbis
Model: Teja S.
Obleke/**Outfits: Janja Videc, Kristina Lovko

sobota, 15. september 2012

Kodrasto in punčkasto/ **Curly and girly

Biti frizerka in makeup artistka istočasno je zelo naporno, ampak kaj ko se tako rada igram z lasmi. Nauk za prihodnjič: več vaje, več časa za priprave in veliko več laka za lase!

**To be a hair and makeup artist at the same time is very hard, but what can I do, when I love to play with hair so much. Note the next time: more practice, more time for preparations and much more hairpray!

Photo: Lenart Kirbis
Model: Teja S.
Clothing: Janja Videc

ponedeljek, 20. avgust 2012

Depilacijska krema /**Depilatory cream

Letos sem sklenila, da poiščem ustreznejši način depilacije kot je britje, ki bo imel dolgotrajn(ejš)i učinek in bo neboleč, ali pa vsaj manj boleč od depilacije z depilatorjem ali voskom. Tako sem se odločila preizkusiti Afroditino depilacijsko kremo Depilation HYDRA. Nad Afroditinimi izdelki sem bila, oziroma sem še vedno zelo zadovoljna, tako da sem bila prepričana, da me tudi depilacijska krema ne bo pustila na cedilu.

Depilation HYDRA vsebuje UREA vlažilec, saj je koža lahko tudi poleti rahlo suha, za občutljivejše kože pa je na voljo še SENSITIVE različica. Embalaža obljublja rezultate že v 3 minutah, oziroma nekoliko dlje, če imate močnejše/debelejše dlačice. V škatlici dobite poleg kreme tudi loparček za nanašanje in odstranjevanje kreme, s katero postopek poteka veliko hitreje, lažje in z manj packarije. :)

Čeprav sem pričakovala nekoliko več proizvoda, namreč tubica vsebuje samo 100ml kreme, sem bila presenečena nad učinkovitostjo. Za uspešno odstranitev dlačic zadostuje že nanos v debelini 2-3mm. Sama sem malce nespretna pri ocenjevanju debelin in dožin takole "na oko", tako da sem morda uporabila še nekoliko tanjši sloj, a kljub temu sem že po treh minutah z loparčkom z lahkoto v celoti odstranila dlačice. Po končani depilaciji je bila koža na nogah gladka, zelo mehka in resnično navlažena, občutek pa je trajal še nekaj dni.
Depilacijsko kremo lahko uporabljamo tudi na bikini predelu in pazduhah, saj je dovolj nežna da kože ne poškoduje, vendar pa je kljub temu predhodno zelo dobrodošel test občutljivosti! Za dlačice na obrazu lahko uporabite kremo Depilation SENSITIVE, saj je koža obraza veliko bolj občutljiva.

Ker pa ima vsak način depilacije vsaj eno slab(š)o lastnost, jo ima tudi tale. Med nanosom in odstranivijo kreme poteče namreč kemična reakcija, ki ima kot stranski učinek neprijeten vonj. To je sicer veliko manj neprijetno od bolečine med puljenjem dlačic, vendar vam vseeno priporočam, da depilacije s kremo ne izvajate v zaprtem prostoru brez zračenja!
Druga neprijetna lastnost pa je ta, ki jo srečamo pri vseh vrstah depilacije in sicer, da se je še 24ur po depilaciji potrebno izogibati soncu!

No, k sreči pa Afroditina Depilation linija zajema tudi gel po depilaciji, ki zagotavlja upočasnjeno rast in zmanjšuje število novih in vraščenih dlačic. Gel ima pomirjevalni in rahli antiseptični učinek, ki ga po nanosu občutimo kot nekoliko hladilni/pekoči občutek. Izjemno dobrodošla lastnost gela je, da ga lahko uporabljamo po vseh vrstah depilacije (britje, vosek, strojček, depilacijska krema...), tako ženske kot tudi moški! Mislim, da bodo tudi fantje zelo navdušeni nad učinkovitostjo gela, zato jim le prišepnite tole uporabno informacijo. Nenazadnje se oni brijejo tudi pozimi, ko me lahko malček pogoljufamo v dolgih hlačah! ;)

Želim vam gladek preostanek poletja!

**This year I have decided to find better depilation method than shaving, which will have long(er) effect and will not be painful, or at least less painful than waxing or using epilator. So I decided to try Afrodita's depilatory cream: Depilation HYDRA. I was, in fact I still am, very pleased over Afrodita's anticellulite products, so I believed that once again I will not be disappointed.

Depilation HYDRA contains UREA moisturizer, since skin can be a bit dry during summer as well, and for more sensitive skin there is also Depilation SENSITIVE cream. Packaging is promising the results in no more than 3minutes, or a bit longer if your hair is thicher/stronger. The packaging includes a special spatula for cream application and removing, which helps you to do the procedure faster, easier and with a lot less mess. :)

Even though I expected a little more product, the tube contains only 100ml of cream, I was very surprised over efficiency. For successful hair removal, only 2-3mm thick application is needed. I am a bit awkward with approximate lenght and thickness determination, so I might used even less product, but I could anyway completely remove the hair in just 3 minutes very easily. After depilation, the skin on my legs was smooth, soft and really moisturized and this feeling lasted for a few more days.
Depilatory cream can also be used on bikini and armpits, since it is gentle enough not to harm this sensitive skin, but you should do the sensitivity test before first use anyway! For facial hair, the Depilation SENSITIVE cream is recommended, because the facial skin is even more sensitive.

But every depilation method has at least one bad feature, and even this method has one. While cream is aplicated to the skin, there is a chemical reaction running, which has a side effect as an unpleasant odor. It is a lot less unpleasant than pain whie hair plugging, but I still recommend to only use this product in a room with a window, or good ventilation system.
The other unpleasant feature is the same as with any other depilation method, which is that sunbathing should be avoided for at least next 24hrs!

But fortunately, Afrodita's Depilation line, also contains after depilation gel, which slows down hair growth after depilation and reduces the number of new and ingrown hairs. This gel has calming and a mildly disinfectant effect, which feels like nice cooling feeling.
Extremely welcoming gel's characteristic is that can be used after any kind of depilation method (shaving, waxing, epilator, depilation cream...) and can be used by women or men as well. I think that men will be also impressed over it's efficiency, so do whisper them this useful information. They do have to shave during the winter as well, while us ladies, can cheat a bit in long pants! ;)

I wish you a smooth the rest of the summer!

četrtek, 2. avgust 2012


Young Nadine.. .
She's gorgeous, isn't she?

Photo: Miran Juršič
Photo assistant: Primož Lukežič
Model: Nadine
MUA&hair: Face it!

nedelja, 29. julij 2012

petek, 20. julij 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

To je Gaja.
Dekle z najbolj modrimi očmi in tisto nagajivo iskrico, ki vedno obeta nekaj dobrega. Poznava se že 12let (woot??) in imam jo neskončno rada, zato sem ji izpolnila željo in na tem fotošutingu prikazala njeno ženstveno plat. Do sedaj smo jo še vedno uspeli predstaviti v nekakšni deški vlogi (slike še sledijo), če se že nismo odločili za povsem moški lik (editorial Rural). Na teh slikah me močno spominja na Audrey Hepburn, verjetno zaradi kratkih las, ali pa zato, ker je živ dokaz, da "Srečna dekleta, so tista najlepša".

**This is Gaja.
Girl with the most blue eyes and that naughty little sparkle, that's always promising something good. We know each other for 12 years (woot??) and I love her dearly, so I made her wish come true, and in this photo shooting showed her feminine side. So far, we have somehow always managed to present her in a tomboy role (pictures are yet to come) if not in a completely manly character (Editorial Rural). She reminds me of Audrey Hepburn in these pictures, probably because her short hair, or maybe because she's living proof that "Happy girls are the prettiest".

Foto/**Photo: Bojan Mijatovič
Model: Gaja K.

četrtek, 5. julij 2012

Razbit kozarec šampanjca/ * Broken glass of Champagne

To je naš najnovejši projekt. Zelo elegantno in prečudovito...
**This is our latest project. It's classy and fabulous...

Fotografija: Urban Štebljaj, Simon Podgoršek, Primož Lukežič
Styling: Eva Ana Kazić
Make-up: Face it!
Hair: Vili Koderman
Modeli: Lara (Model Group) & Marko (Immortal Models Management)